Thursday, June 18, 2015

chemo week #4

June 18th update:

Today Isaac received his 4th dose of chemo. His blood counts rose this past week which was great news (last week they were too low to administer chemo). Nick's mom, Benita, is with us today which made the appointment a lot easier.  Isaac is enjoying having her home from Texas for the summer.

Isaac has continued to be a fighter these past 2 weeks.  A few days ago he had a low grade fever but fought it off before it reached the "critical" zone.  Unlike most children a low grade fever can be very serious for Isaac because of his situation.  For instance when Isaac gets a fever of 100.4 this equates to a 3 day hospitalization for our little boy. :-( Clearly we are wanting to avoid that at all costs.  :-)

This past week I started stripping our deck as it needs a new paint job.  IZ has been momma's BIG helper by helping me "hose" off the paint.  He loves holding the hose and spraying water all over.  

1 comment:

  1. Yay Isaac! Praying for you all! Thanks for the update.
