Thursday, June 11, 2015

Chemo - Week #4

June 11th Update:

Isaac was scheduled to have his 4th dose of chemotherapy today.  However, one of his blood counts were too low so it will be rescheduled for next Thursday.  

Typically before each chemo appointment they do blood work at the University of Iowa to ensure that Isaac's blood counts are high enough to administer the chemo that week.  Last week, there was one in particular that was a little low but not low enough that they couldn't give the chemo so they suggested that for the following week I go to a local lab the day before his chemo appointment to get his blood counts checked.  So yesterday I took Isaac to a local lab in the morning and the University of Iowa called yesterday afternoon and said that Isaac's blood results came back and one blood count in particular was too low.  So, that means that Isaac has today off and we will continue next week with his next dose of chemo. The specific blood cell count that was low helps fight off infections. The lower your count, the more vulnerable you are to infectious diseases. Thus, we will be extra careful till his counts bounce back. ;-)

This past week has been pretty good for Isaac.  He had gotten sick twice but overall no other side effects.  We've loved being outside during these past few HOT days.  Isaac got a new kiddie pool and slide so he's been loving those A LOT!!  Isaac also got to go to Nick's cousin's wedding on Saturday.  He had a ball.  Check out his sweet dance moves...

Thanks for continuing to pray for Isaac.  We feel very blessed that he is doing so well.  He amazes us that he is being so strong throughout this.  We know that God is the reason behind this and He has strengthened Isaac.  

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