Thursday, May 14, 2015

Port Surgery Complete

May 14th Update:

Isaac had his 2nd surgery this morning. This was to place a "port" in his upper chest.  This small titanium device is used to administer chemotherapy safer and more effectively.   

So, we arrived at University of Iowa Hospital at 6:00 in the morning and started pre-op. Then we headed to the operating room.  I went down with him to ease his anxiety because he was going to have to get the gas mask which dispenses the "sleepy" meds. Of course this is always hardest on me as mom... You'd think after seeing IZ get sedated 2 times prior I'd be getting use to it. However I just end up crying every time.  It's just so hard to see my little guy struggle as they put the mask on because I know he is scared but it's better for Isaac if I'm there, so I try to put my brave face on... That's what mom's do i guess ;)  

The surgery began at 7:30 and lasted roughly an hour and a half.  Afterwards the surgeon came and talked with us and told us the procedure went well and as expected.  We had to wait a while longer in the waiting room while Isaac woke up. Then we were brought into the first recovery room.  When we got there Isaac was sleeping. They told us that Isaac woke up prior but he was a little "wild" so they had to give him a medicine that calmed him down and made him a bit sleepy.  So we waited a good while as he rested.  Once Isaac woke up the second time Nick and I were there to keep him calm.  His first word after he woke up this time was "BUBBLES"...  haha.  This kid loves his bubbles.  :) Once he was stable enough I got to hold him for another hour or so.  He ate some crackers and drank some apple juice which were both great signs.  Lastly, we headed to Recovery 2 where he just slept on me while they checked vitals and ensured everything was good.  We then were discharged around 11:30.

Now we are back home and are enjoying his favorite movie "FROZEN".  :-)  He'll most likely be pretty sleepy for the next 24 hours but that just means extra snuggles for this mom and dad.

Thank you all for continuing to pray for our family.  God has been so faithful to us thus far and we are trusting in his GOOD and PERFECT plan for Isaac.

Be a blessing,

Nick and Allison

This is a picture of Jeffrey, Isaac's trusted stuffed giraffe who has gone through both surgeries with Isaac.  It cracked me up to see how the medical staff @ Iowa dressed him up.   :-)


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