Friday, May 22, 2015

Chemotherapy - Week #1

May 22 Update:

Today Isaac had his first chemotherapy treatment at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics.  We arrived a little before noon and left slightly before 5pm.  For any of you that have small children, you've probably guessed that this is nap time so it ended up being a long day due to the whole "no nap"....    :(

Prior to arriving Nick and I didn't really know what to expect.  We first met with the nurse practitioner and Isaac's oncologist and talked about what was going to happen today and then we went over signs and symptoms to look for once we go back home.  It's kind of information overload so luckily they also sent us home with all the information in written form.  :-) 

The whole process was long and pretty drawn out.  It's a lot of sitting around and waiting. The chemotherapy drugs took a while to administer.  In the beginning when they were accessing IZ's port (acts like an IV) we had a child life specialist come in to help distract Isaac.  She brought him plenty of toys.  We started with bubbles (his favorite) and then he took to the choo choo trains but then we hit the jackpot when she whipped out the IPAD.  IZ was in heaven and basically was kept entertained by that the majority of the time.  He loves KIDZ Bop as of late and will listen to "Uptown Funk" over and over and over. 

Isaac was a trooper and did pretty well till the last hour or so.  He was getting pretty grumpy and was really wanting to get home.  The last hour tested our patience as we tried to comfort him but really the only thing that helped was when we actually got to leave.  As soon as we headed out the door he was golden.  ;-)  Go figure.  

Luckily IZ fell asleep right away in the car as Nick and I drove home.  We were all pooped. When we got home we were blessed to have Barb Randall (a family friend) bring us over a delicious meal.  We are so blessed by her selflessness.  She has already brought us dinner 3 times and just does it without asking. And Bonus, she is a fantastic cook so every time it's totally yummy..... What a good feeling it is to know you don't have to worry about whats for dinner after a long hard day like today.  Barb- you are a HUGE blessing in our lives.  Thank you for being so generous and kind to us.  :-)  

Thank you also for those of you who prayed during today's appointment and for those who sent us texts.  :-)  We so appreciate you!

All in all today was kind of rough and much harder than I first anticipated but with that said God has sustained us and we made it through Isaac's first chemotherapy.  

1 down, 59 to go.  Isaac's next chemotherapy appointment will be Thursday, May 28.  

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