Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Chemo - Week #1 Update

May 26th Update:

We've been asked by many how Isaac has been recently so thought I would write a quick update on him...  Isaac has been doing quite well since his first chemo infusion last Friday. He hasn't really had any negative side effects.  This is a huge praise!  We are hoping and praying that this will continue to be the case for most of or all of his treatment.  

We've had a good could of days with him.  Nick was off work this Memorial Day Weekend so we had the chance for lots of family time.  :-)  We went to a BBQ yesterday with lots of friends and IZ was running all around and playing on the playground set.  He had such a good time playing with all the other little kiddos.  ;-)

IZ will have his next Occupational Therapy appointment today and then his next chemo appt will be Thursday.  

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