Saturday, May 9, 2015

Caring People

May 9th:

This post is very overdue.  But none the less we still wanted to write about it.

Throughout the past month we have been SHOWERED with love and support through so many people.  It amazes us each and everyday how even complete strangers bless us. God has been using many of you to show this support to us.  We are currently in the process of writing thank you's to those who financially supported us but also we know that many people gave anonymously; we will never be able to know who those people were so we can only write this vague thank you and hope that you read this and understand how grateful we are for you generous support. Nick and I will have large medical bills the next few years but with the support we've raised thus far the burden is much less.  

Thank you also to those who have sent encouraging cards in the mail. In addition to encouraging words, we know so many of you continue to pray for Isaac.  This out of everything makes the most impact on us.  We know God answers prayers and we know that God did a miracle when we went to Boston. Thank You, Thank You for praying and we ask that you continue to pray for our lil IZ as he will begin his next chapter with chemo in the next 2 weeks.   

In addition, many others have gone above and beyond to bless us in other practical ways.  We know we missing some people but here are a few shout outs to those who have helped us in other tangible ways:

- Scott is a professional NFL player who plays for the New England Patriots.  He was kind enough to stop by and meet Isaac while he was training in the area with his new team. Thank you Scott for having a servants heart and making time for complete strangers.  Scott is such a down to earth and humble, Christian man and it was great to get to know him better through conversation.  Thank you also for the shirts you brought for us and the jersey for Isaac.  How cool is it that Isaac got to meet a famous NFL player and he isn't even 2 yet?  Lucky kid!  Here's a pic that we took so that one day Isaac can appreciate it later on in life.  :-)

LEN (Grandpa)
- Thank you for being with us during Isaac's long surgery and for the first few days of recovery.  I know you didn't get to see Isaac at his best but we so appreciate that you were there!  

BENITA AND TOM (Mima and Grandpa)
- Thank you for driving all the way from Texas to spend a few days with us while we were in Boston.  Towards the end of our stay in Boston it was taking a toll on us as parents and it was extremely helpful to have you guys there.  We were able to take a nap one day (best one I ever had).  ;-)  Thank you for driving us to and from our hospital appointments and for helping us have a little fun in Boston despite the reason for us being there.  

GAYLE (Grandma)
- Thank you for taking off a few days of work and coming to Cedar Rapids to be with our family the first week after being back.  You were a big blessing to us during this time.  

- We can't begin to list all the specific people at Target who blessed us.  We had so many of you send cards, and care packages.  Nick's team at 1771 even threw a party for Isaac when he got home from Boston.  It was also so encouraging to receive pictures while in Boston of the different Target teams wearing Isaac's wristbands. 

- Thank you to you both.  Stacey and Julie both were complete strangers to me a month ago but have both reached out to me at different times as they have gone through similar journeys with one of their own children being diagnosed with a brain tumor.  Thank you to both of your ladies for taking the time to talk with me and comforting me in a way many just can't.  Thank you to Ryan Mendoza and Kristin Rowland for introducing me to these  2 wonderful women.  

- Thank you for coming to see us in the hospital.  We hadn't seen you in years but that didn't stop us from enjoying the time we had catching up.  Thanks also for the awesome "Boston STRONG" teddy bear you brought for IZ.  We absolutely love it and it totally captures the essence of Isaac.... STRONG.

- Thank you for coming to the hospital and bringing Isaac a gift and for bringing Nick and I some healthy food.  Even though the timing of the visit was cut short by a fussy baby please know you were much appreciated.  :-)

- Thank you for mowing our big yard and looking after the house.

- Thank you for taking care of our mail/bills while we were away and for looking after the house.

- Thank you for bringing us food last night.  At the time you were a complete stranger only connected through Nick's aunt.  Now you are a friend and we feel blessed to have met you. You are so thoughtful and we so appreciate your kindness.

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