Saturday, April 25, 2015

Recovery in the Hospital

Recovery in the Hospital

Isaac is doing very well.  He is making great progress.  Each and every day Nick and I continue be be amazed by how well he is actually doing.  We believe God is doing a little miracle with him.  Here are some highlights from the past few days:

Thursday: If you know Isaac well you know that he LOVES to dance to music.  So, 48 hours after surgery daddy decided to play Isaac some music and to our surprise Isaac started to dance, and I mean really dance!  It was such an amazing sight to see.  This boy is so special!

Friday: Isaac met with Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy in the morning.  At this time we tried to have Isaac walk for the first time post surgery.  He couldn't really do it.  He was seriously wobbly and very weak.  The Physical Therapist explained that this type of surgery really impacts ones coordination and balance and that walking could takes a couple weeks to a couple months to master again.  A few hours after we had this conversation we took Isaac outside to the hospital garden and once again Isaac defied the odds and started waking without help!  We obviously had to be very careful to ensure he didn't fall.  He was still a bit unbalanced but never the less he was doing it by himself.  This kid is so tough . We believe he is being strengthened by God and its simply amazing to see.  :-)

Saturday: Today IZ is in pretty good spirits.  We attended a Hospital Pizza Party and he devoured some cheese pizza.  :-)


  1. This is so amazing. Praise God!! Thanks for keeping us updated!! :)

  2. He is truly a testament to the power of prayer! Thank you God!

  3. I sing the mighty power of God! Praise the Lord. Go Isaac! Won't stop praying!

  4. I'm very glad to hear that your little Issac pulled through surgery and is so "tough as nails" too. May God Bless Issac and your family always :D
