Saturday, April 11, 2015


April 10, 2015

Today we received a glimmer of HOPE for Isaac's future.  We spoke with the Director of Neurosurgery from Boston Children's Hospital via teleconference.  She had reviewed Isaac's case and felt more optimistic that surgery and ongoing treatment for Isaac would be relatively effective.  This news was very different from what we were told in our first consultation at a different hospital just 2 days prior.
The surgeon in Boston feels that she could perform the surgery on Isaac with less risk to damaging his brain stem.  With that being said this is still brain surgery on a 19 month old; needless to say there are still plenty of risks involved.  Nevertheless surgery is still the best first step to treat our son and that is how we will proceed.  We are looking to schedule Isaac's surgery in the next 2 weeks and will most likely be traveling to Boston late next week.   Unfortunately the surgery will not remove the entire tumor; that would be too risky to Isaac's health and development.  Thus, after surgery he will most likely have to undergo a round or two of chemotherapy.  We still don't have all the answers but what we do know is that this will not be a simple surgery and Isaac most likely be affected by this for years to come.  

Thank you for continuing to pray for Isaac and our family.  Somehow during these difficult days God has continued to sustain us and get us through.  We have realized now more than ever the power of prayer, family and friendship. 

Isaac is still in high spirits and plays like any normal toddler.  He is an inspiration to us all. 


Nick and Allison Dose


  1. Praise God for this hope! Isaac and you guys have been in our thoughts and prayers constantly! We will pray for a safe trip, peace of mind and a complete healing outcome!

  2. Allison, I will be bringing you all before the throne of grace. Praise God for the Hope he gives us each day through Jesus. Praying for little Isaac! Love you my friend!

  3. Praise God!! What great news!! Thanks so much for sharing this update. Will continue to pray for and claim God's miraculous healing in Jesus name. Trusting He will continue to provide for you every step and you would feel His Love and Peace which surpasses all understanding covering you. You are being such a Light for all that know you..... Praying He continues to fill you up with His light so there would be no room for dark in thought or spirit. Give sweet Isaac a big hug. Love you guys.
