Thursday, April 9, 2015


April 7, 2015

April 7th we heard the worst news in our lives.  Our little Isaac William had been diagnosed with a Brain Tumor on his brain stem and spine.  The tumor is rare (there aren't a lot of cases like his from what we are told), rather large and the location of the tumor makes Isaac's condition very serious.   With a tumor that is on the brain stem it is typically considered inoperable.  However, we've been told by neurosurgeons that they CAN operate on Isaac.  With our friends, families, acquaintances and churches all praying fervently for us we feel God has given us clarity that surgery will be our best course of action and that we needed to find the best neurosurgeon in the country to treat Isaac. 

With all this said we STILL BELIEVE God is good and we must trust Him in this but needless to say this is devastating news for us all.  We love you and please keep our lil buddy in your prayers.

Nick and Allison Dose

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